Speech recorder forwards to backwards
Speech recorder forwards to backwards

Tang (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP2000/Interspeech 2000), China Military Friendship Publishers, pp. , ASR Satisficing: The Effects of ASR Accuracy on Speech Retrieval, in B.

Speech recorder forwards to backwards software#

Beaudouin-Lafon (ed.), Proceedings of the 15th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST’02, CHI Letters 4(2), ACM Press, pp.

speech recorder forwards to backwards

, Mediated Voice Communication via Mobile IP, in M. , High Quality Time-scale Modification for Speech, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP’85), Vol. Marks (eds.), Conference Companion of the CHI’95 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM Press, pp. , Elastic Graphical Interfaces for Precise Data Manipulation, in J. , TattleTrail: An Archiving Voice Chat System for Mobile Users over Internet Protocol, Master’s thesis, MIT. Dimitrova (eds.), Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Multimedia (Multimedia’04), ACM Press, pp.488–91. , Interactive Manipulation of Replay Speed While Listening to Speech Recordings, in D. Hyrskykari (ed.), Proceedings of Third Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interation (NordiCHI’04), ACM Press, pp.277–80. , An Elastic Audio Slider for Interactive Speech Skimming, in A. , Playing Speech Backwards for Classification Tasks, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME’05), IEEE Computer Society Press. Zhang (eds.), Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Information Visualization (IV’04), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.450–55. , New Methods for Visual Information Seeking through Video Browsing, in E. Popescu-Zeletin (eds.), Proceedings of the Ninth ACM International Conference on Multimedia (Multimedia’ 01), ACM Press, pp.382–96. , Exploring Benefits of Non-linear Time Compression, in N. , SpeechSkimmer: A System for Interactively Skimming Recorded Speech, ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 4(2), 3–38.

speech recorder forwards to backwards

, Interactively Skimming Speech, PhD thesis, MIT Media Lab.Īrons, B. (ed.), Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-33), IEEE Computer Society Press, p.3046.Īrons, B. , Using Audio Time Scale Modification for Video Browsing, in R. KeywordsĪmir, A., Ponceleon, D., Blanchard, B., Petkovic, D., Srinivasan, S. In addition, we show that the proposed interface offers the opportunity to combine the advantages of existing approaches within a single, easy-to-use UI component that complements and enhances the common user interfaces known from standard audio player software. A user study was conducted to prove the usefulness of backward replay of speech for tasks such as topic classification. The approach supports navigation at variable speed in both forward and backward direction while providing immediate intelligible audio feedback during the user’s interactions.

speech recorder forwards to backwards

We propose a new user interface, the elastic audio slider, which makes navigation in speech documents similar to video navigation or text scrolling. In pursuit of the goal to make recorded speech as easy to skim as printed text, a variety of methods and user interfaces have been suggested in the literature, involving time-compressed audio, speech segmentation and recognition, etc.

Speech recorder forwards to backwards