Facebook wants to hold next meeting
Facebook wants to hold next meeting

facebook wants to hold next meeting

“Pick one or two things that you think she might remember,” Gamson said. When presenting to an executive, there’s a tendency to over-prepare and bombard them with data.


We're thoughtfully engaged in a series of points and counterpoints, as you do with your colleagues.” 7. Use data and insights selectively. “As an executive, when I engage with a peer, no one's ever breaking out a presentation and walking through slide one through 26,” Gamson said. It’s two people, talking, figuring out the best solution moving forward. Rather than thinking of the meeting as a pitch to the executive to either approve what you want or to buy your product, think of it as a conversation.

facebook wants to hold next meeting

And it gives you the opportunity once you've set your objective to check in with her.” 6. Run the meeting as a conversation. “Whoever sets the objective of the meeting is now in control of the meeting. “Don't let someone else around the table take that power away from you,” Gamson said. And that means clearly stating what the objective of the meeting is first. You want to be the person who moves the meeting from small talk to getting into the meat of the meeting. Gamson said you can thank you for the time, but you don’t need to over-thank them or act like you are inconveniencing them. She has a problem and you're going to solve it, and you're the best at what you do.” You're an expert, and she needs your expertise. “When you say that, what you're saying is ‘I'm not busy, my time's not valuable and yours is’," Gamson said. There’s a tendency when meeting with an executive to apologize for being there by saying something like, “thank you for the time, I know how busy you are.” But don't start that way.” 4. Don’t apologize for being there. If you need backup material and you need to show a presentation, you're ready. “So, if you put a laptop and a stack of presentations in front of you, which are your weapons to remember what to talk about, you're denigrating your position relative to her unnecessarily. “Your job is to come across as a peer, not as a subordinate,” Gamson said. Do the same – when first sitting down, just sit, with nothing in front of you. What will the executive have in front of them? When you first sit down for the meeting, think about what you put in front of you. “Make sure that you've got great eye contact with the executive and that you're in a position where you feel comfortable.” 3. Consider what you place in front of you (i.e. “Empower yourself with that seat choice,” Gamson said. Your literal seat at the table matters when meeting with anyone, particularly an executive: you want one that puts you on the same level as them, as opposed to being inferior to them. You're on a time clock, and it's yours to manage.” 2. Pick a spot at the table that’s worthy of you.Ī “seat at the table” isn’t just a metaphor. Everything's finding their places and sitting down. “Start with the small talk on your way in,” Gamson said. You should do some research into the person to find a common interest, and mention that – a good way to make the executive instinctively like you. You want to make some small talk with the executive to start the meeting. They are: 1. Start with short, relevant small talk. Instead, we’ll focus on the ten things you should do when actually meeting with an executive to earn their trust and respect.

facebook wants to hold next meeting

In his course, Gamson emphasized the importance of properly preparing for the meeting, which we won’t cover here. While the course is intended for salespeople, Gamson’s advice can apply to any employee meeting with any high-ranking executive.


How do you do that? In his LinkedIn Learning course Selling to Executives, Mike Gamson – a high-ranking executive himself as CEO of Relativity – gave detailed instructions on how to ace a meeting with an executive. But, if you ever do, you should crush it – impressing your CEO is never a bad career move. How many times have you met with a CEO? Or, even a high-ranking executive?

Facebook wants to hold next meeting