Doom 3 bfg cheat
Doom 3 bfg cheat

  • give ammo_clip_large – Large ammo for Machinegun.
  • give ammo_clip_small – Ammo for Machinegun.
  • give ammo_belt_small – Ammo for Chaingun.
  • give ammo_bfg_small – Ammo for BFG 9000.
  • give ammo_bullets_small – Ammo for Pistol.
  • give ammo_bullets_large – Large ammo for Pistol.
  • give ammo_cells_small – Ammo for Plasma Rifle.
  • give ammo_cells_large – Large ammo for Plasma Rifle.
  • spawn weapon_rocketlauncher – Rocket Launcher.
  • give weapon_flashlight – Gives Flashlight.
  • give weapon_rocketlauncher – Rocketlauncher.
  • spawn monster_zombie_morgue – Spawns a zombie similar to the one in the infirmary.
  • testlight – Makes a light for you to see better.
  • clearlights – All lights turn off, only light is by flashlight.
  • com_fixedtic -1 – Removes 60 FPS Limit.
  • set g_dragEntity 1 – Grabs objects/bodies when you aim and fire at them.
  • doom 3 bfg cheat

  • g_showplayershadow 1 – You can see your shadow during singleplayer.
  • g_showprojectilepct 1 – Toggle hit % to HUD.
  • listlightdefs – Lists indicated def file settings.
  • listmonsters – Lists images of monsters.
  • doom 3 bfg cheat

    killragdolls – Kill all non-moving enemies.killmoveables – Kill all moving enemies.say – Send message to everyone in multi-player.s_showlevelmeter 1 – Toggle sound level display.pm_noclipspeed # – Defines how fast you move with the “noclip” code turned on.pm_crouchspeed # – Defines how fast you are when you crouch.pm_runspeed # – Defines how fast you are when you run/sprint.pm_walkspeed # – Defines how fast you are when you walk.pm_jumpheight # – Defines how high you jump.avidemo – Saves a demo of your playing to an AVI movie file.notarget – Invisibility to most enemies.com_showfps 1 – Draws your framerate (FPS).com_allowconsole 1 – This will make it so you only have to press ~ to open the console, no longer alt+ctrl+~.give pda – Gives PDAs/disks of the level you’re in.give all – All weapons with full ammo, health and armor.

    #Doom 3 bfg cheat how to

    How to open the console? Just press Ctrl+Alt+~(Tilde) to bring up the command console in a single player game or just Tilde(~) if the com_allowconsole 1 cheat is typed in already.

    Doom 3 bfg cheat